PPSN Application

For Immigrants to Ireland, registering with government authorities is mandatory to facilitate accrual of applicable benefits.

Getting a PPSN (Personal Public Service (PPS) Number is one of those important tasks for all.

PPSN is required to access the following

  • Government Departments
  • Educational institutes
  • HSE (Health Service Executive (Govt. sponsored covid vaccinations)
  • Local Authorities (Driving License & others)

Applying for PPSN is an easy online process which requires the applicant to substantiate 3 points:

  • Identity Proof 
    • Current Passport
  • Need of PPSN (any)
    • Apply for driving licence
    • Apply for Tax Credits in case on Joint Assessment for married couples on revenue.ie
    • Apply for admission in Educational Institute 
  • Address Proof in name of applicant (any)
    • Electricity Bill (can have names of both Husband & Wife)
    • Rent Agreement (can have names of both Husband & Wife)
    • Letter from Third Party (Property Owner / Hotel / Property Manager/ 
    • Letter from Electricity Bill Holder (Friends or Family) in case of living in shared spaces along with Electricity Bill
I am sharing the step by Step process along with sample Letter submitted by me.
  • Step 1: Create a Basic account on MyGovID by visiting https://www.mygovid.ie/ Do update the account with your mobile no (preferably Irish for seamless login using OTP verification mode) 

All notifications or updates on the process for PPSN would be received over here, keep checking regularly to ensure replying to the requisites of the department
  • Step 3: Upon Login, scroll down and click on Accessing Public Services and start filling the requisites.
  • Step 5: Upload & Submit - Create a Merged Document of all the scanned documents in a pdf file and upload the documents as a single file.  Upon uploading submitting the requisite documents you may receive a notification on the portal (My Welfare) within a week from the Officer of the department and we get 14 days to reply to the information sought. The notification may be about any specific additional document depending upon your cases. 
  • Step 7: Activation of your Welfare Account using the PSC card received.
  • Step 8: Incase you have given the reason as updating the your civil status on Revenue, it would be important to register yourself on revenue and update the civil partner status for yourself and spouse.   
Forms and application used by me are as follows:
1. PPSN Reg form

2. Application Letter stating the reason for issuance of PPSN (In my case it was updating the civil status of my spouse on revenue and apply for joint assessment). 

It may vary from case to case basis such as for Students (it is seeking admission to college), for New Joiners in employment (Starting employment and applying for a Bank account, getting registered at
 Revenue etc.) 

3. Assessable spouse Form to be submitted in specific cases (Spouse updating civil partner status on revenue)


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